Advance Learning Algorithms
Topics covered in Advance Learning Algorithms
Week 2
- a layer is a grouping of neurons in a neural network
an activation is the number calculated by a neuron (and “activations” is a vector that is output by a layer that contains multiple neurons)
- Computation Graph based on Graph Theory
Week 3
Evaluation of a model: If fitting a function to predict housing prices or some other regression problem, one model you might consider is to fit a linear/polynomial model.
One procedure you could try, this turns out not to be the best procedure, but one thing you could try is, look at all of these J tests, and see which one gives you the lowest value. Say, you find that, J test for the fifth order polynomial for w^5, b^5 turns out to be the lowest. If that’s the case, then you might decide that the fifth order polynomial d equals 5 does best, and choose that model for your application.
The reason this procedure is flawed is J test of w^5, b^5 is likely to be an optimistic estimate of the generalization error. In other words, it is likely to be lower than the actual generalization error.
we’re going to introduce a new subset of the data called the cross-validation/validation/dev/test set. The name cross-validation refers to that this is an extra dataset that we’re going to use to check or cross check the validity or really the accuracy of different models.