Decision tree model

Intro to Decision tree



Learning Process

  1. How to choose what feature to split on at each node? Maximize purity (or minimize impurity)
  2. When do you stop splitting? When a node is 100% one class When splitting a node will result in the tree exceeding a maximum depth When improvements in purity score are below a threshold When number of examples in a node is below a threshold

Measuring purity:

Entropy as a measure of impurity Po = 1-P1 H(P1) = -P_1log_2(P1) - P_olog_2(po) = -P1 log2(P1) - (1 − P1)log2 (1 − P1) Note: “0 log(0)” = 0 if you look in open source packages you may also hear about something called the Gini criteria, which is another function that looks a lot like the entropy function, and that will work well as well for building decision trees.

Information Gain

_config.yml _config.yml